As per the direction from the Government, the GST department has developed and launched a mobile application (available on iOS and Android platforms) and also a web portal for the “Mera Bill Mera Adhikaar” scheme.
This scheme will be implemented from 1st September, 2023 initially in the States of Gujarat, Assam, Haryana and UTs of Puducherry and Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, as per the policy decision of the Government.
Please ensure that you download the mobile application only from the Google Play store and Apple App store and access the web portal through the official link provided to avoid any spurious application of a fraudulent entity.
Here you will find all the trusted and official details.
How Download and Install mobile App for Mera Bill Mera Adhikaar ?
The mobile application is available for download on both iOS and Android platforms.
For Android App Download Process
Option 1 : Scan This QR Code and install the App: ( For Android)
(Please ensure your mobile device is running Android version 9 or above)
If you do not have QR code scanner app than use Google Browser scan option of your phone. Go to main screen of your phone and find the google search bar. On search bar Right end side, you will find one icon Like Camera —> By clicking on this your camera will be open —–> after that you find one link on your screen like play.google.com/….. —–> by click on that link you will be redirecting to google play store App. Click on Download / Install. I hope you find it easy and simple.

Option 2: Download Android app from Google Play Store: (For Android)
(Please ensure your mobile device is running Android version 9 or above)
- Open the Google Play Store app on your phone.
- Tap on the search bar.
- Enter “Mera Bill Mera Adhikaar” and search.
- Tap on ‘Install’. The app will be downloaded and installed.
- Once installed, tap on the ‘Mera Bill Mera Adhikaar’ app icon to open theapp.

For iOS App Download Process
Option 1 : Scan This QR Code and install the App: ( For iOS)
( Please ensure your mobile device is running iOS version 6 or above.)

Being Apple mobile user you have in build QR code scanner. Simply open your phone —> From the right side of your phone drag down the widgets tools —–> below the Torch you will find QR code Scanner —> Simply click on that —-> scan this code on camera. —–> it will be redirecting you to apple iOS store —-> Click on the GET and Install the App.

Option 2: Download from the App from Apple iOS Store:
( Please ensure your mobile device is running iOS version 6 or above.)
- Open the App Store on your iPhone.
- Tap on the search bar.
- Enter “Mera Bill Mera Adhikaar” and search.
- Tap on ‘GET’. The app will be downloaded and installed.
- Once installed, tap on the ‘Mera Bill Mera Adhikaar’ app icon to open the app.
Consumer Web Portal
Consumer Web Portal Means you can also access it via your PCs/ Laptop, to Access the web portal you need to do the following:
- Open the browser on your laptop/PC ( Eg. Google, chrome, Explorer, Safari)
- Open the website https://web.merabill.gst.gov.in
- click on the signup portal button.
- Open the form and complete the mandatory fields: First Name and Mobile Number.
- Select the “Terms and Conditions” checkbox.
- Tap the “Continue” button.
- Enter the OTP sent to your registered mobile number on the app, and tap the “Verify OTP” button.
You can Upload Invoice In in PDF and Picture format. Once you submit the all the details of invoice it be updated in the system. You can also refer FAQ section for your query and also Post grievance is required.
Official Tutorial Link by GST: Click Here to know Table of Content

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